So what's in my everyday bag?
Basically my life. As a typical woman, if I keep my bag for a long time (a week or less) without cleaning it up you could possibly find inside a dragon, maybe a fairy and generally whatever you can imagine. But all these trash do not define what usually exists in my bag because when I say ''now I will organise my bag'' I truly take only what I really need.
These days the bag I'm using the most is this black-leather shoulder BSK bag ( here ) which I bought about a month ago. It's really comfortable as it's size allows me to carry a bunch of things without making it hard to move around with.
The things I'm mostly carrying around with me are my sunglasses,my purse ( here ),my keys,my tablet and my iPhone. During the seasons fall-winter I may have with me tissues,hand creme and some at-the-last-minute things that I don't have the time to put on and I leave them for later (when I run to catch the bus for example!).
Let me know what you carry in your bag and soon I will post some tips and tricks for making space in your bag. :)
see you soon,
Basically my life. As a typical woman, if I keep my bag for a long time (a week or less) without cleaning it up you could possibly find inside a dragon, maybe a fairy and generally whatever you can imagine. But all these trash do not define what usually exists in my bag because when I say ''now I will organise my bag'' I truly take only what I really need.
These days the bag I'm using the most is this black-leather shoulder BSK bag ( here ) which I bought about a month ago. It's really comfortable as it's size allows me to carry a bunch of things without making it hard to move around with.
Let me know what you carry in your bag and soon I will post some tips and tricks for making space in your bag. :)
see you soon,